
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
A Public Health Emergency – The State of Sleep in Children
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Guest: Robin M. Lloyd, M.D. (@DrRobinLloyd)
Host: Darryl S. Chutka, M.D. (@ChutkaMD)
Insomnia has a 25 – 50% incidence rate in children. Dr. Robin Lloyd discusses the patterns and differences of disordered sleep in pediatric patients. She covers the impact technology integration has had, sleep apnea, genetic conditions, and obesity. What are red flag snoring symptoms in children? What are the signs of sleep apnea?
Connect with the Mayo Clinic’s School of Continuous Professional Development online at https://ce.mayo.edu/ or on Twitter @MayoMedEd.
Deeper Dive:
- BEARS Screening Tool for Assessment of Sleep in Children: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleep.2004.07.015
- American Academy of Sleep Medicine Recommended Amount of Sleep for Pediatric Populations: https://doi.org/10.5664/jcsm.5866
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