
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Erectile Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Disease
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Guest: Stephen L. Kopecky, M.D.
Host: Darryl S. Chutka, M.D. (@ChutkaMD)
About 35% of men ages 40 to 70 years have moderate-to-complete erectile dysfunction (ED), and 15% of men aged 70 have complete ED. Of those with ED, it’s estimated that 50-70% are due to cardiovascular disease. Until recently, only urologists were interested in patients with erectile dysfunction. Now with the knowledge of the relationship between ED and cardiovascular disease, cardiologists are taking an interest in these patients as well. Today we’re joined by Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a Mayo Clinic Preventative Cardiologist.
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