
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Recommendation for Your Arthritic Patients - Keep Them Moving
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Guest: Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. (@DrEdSportsMed)
Host: Darryl S. Chutka, M.D. (@ChutkaMD)
Arthritis is one of the most common health conditions our patients have for eliminating exercise from their daily routine, yet the American College of Rheumatology feels that exercise should be one of the mainstays of treatment for those with arthritis. How do we convince our patients of the importance of continued exercise despite their arthritis? Are some types of exercise better than others? Can exercise make their arthritis worse? We’ll discuss these questions with Dr. Edward R. Laskowski, a Sports Medicine physician from the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Mayo Clinic.
Specific topics:
- Benefits of exercise in patients who have arthritis
- Exercises that patients with arthritis should avoid
- What patients should do if they have increased joint pain after exercising
- Joint-friendly exercises that can be done by most patients
- Importance of performing resistance as well as aerobic exercise
- Recommended frequency and duration of exercise
- Exercises for the was with inflammatory arthritis
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