
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Want to Know About Pediatric Enuresis? Well, Urine Luck
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Guest: Patricio Gargollo, M.D. (@pgargollo)
Host: Darryl S. Chutka, M.D. (@ChutkaMD)
Enuresis is relatively common in children, estimated to be present in as many as 5 to 10% of 7-year-olds. This represents up to 7 million children in the United States. As you can imagine, it carries significant social implications for the child. Our guest for this podcast is Dr. Patricio Gargollo, a pediatric urologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Gargollo will address the natural history of enuresis, how to evaluate the child with enuresis, how often it represents a structural urologic problem and how often a treatable cause is found. Practical advice for parents of children with enuresis is also discussed.
Specific topics:
- Potential for children with enuresis to have bladder control problems when they develop into adulthood.
- Social impact of enuresis on a child.
- Potential risk factors and causes of enuresis.
- The role of genetics and enuresis.
- The natural history of enuresis.
- How often a structural urologic problem is found to explain enuresis.
- Pharmacologic treatment options.
- The evaluation of a child with enuresis.
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